Maura Radicioni

Taller: Interpretación simultánea remota (ISR).

Fecha y hora: jueves 11 de mayo, 16:30-18:30

Ponencia: Training humanitarian interpreters: A case study of an Italian NGO.

Fecha y hora: viernes 12 de mayo, 15:45-16:15


Maura Radicioni is a PhD candidate in Interpreting Studies at the University of Geneva, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, with a research project on humanitarian interpreting. She obtained her MA in Conference Interpreting from the University of Bologna, DIT at Forlì (Italy) in 1997. Since then, she has worked as a conference interpreter with over 2,800 days, as well as an interpreter trainer. Her research has been published in John Benjamins, JosTrans, BUP, and Bloomsbury, among others, and well as in edited collections, including the Handbook of Research on Medical Interpreting. She is the coeditor of Recharting Territories. Intradisciplinarity in Translation Studies, recently published by Leuven University Press. She was lecturer in English-Italian liaison and conference interpreting at the Forlì-based DIT of the University of Bologna from 2003 to 2019, with teaching assignments also at the University of Macerata and Università Politecnica delle Marche. From July to October 2017, she was involved as a trainer in the first humanitarian interpreting pilot course carried out in Italy, jointly organized in blended-learning mode by the University of Bologna DIT and the University of Geneva FTI. Since June 2021 she has been a member of the team of trainers of the basic consecutive interpreting courses jointly organized by the University of Geneva FTI and the ICRC.